Terms and Condition

Welcome to Wisdomwav!

By using our website, you agree to our terms and conditions.

1.Cookies: We use cookies to enhance your experience, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

2. License: Our content is protected; don’t republish, sell, or redistribute without permission.

3. Comments: You can share opinions, but be respectful. We may remove inappropriate comments.

4. Hyperlinking: Some organizations can link to us, but not if it’s deceptive or harmful. No frames without permission.

5. Content Liability: We’re not responsible for content on linked websites.

6. Reservation of Rights: We can request removal of links, and we may update terms.

7. Disclaimer: We do our best, but we don’t guarantee accuracy or availability. We’re not liable unless required by law.

Thanks for being part of Wisdomwav!