The World Bank Roadmap to Sustainable Agri-food Systems

The World Bank's Roadmap to Sustainable Agri-food Systems

Why in news?

  • The world’s food systems are facing a critical crossroads. On one hand, we need to ensure food security for a growing global population.
  • On the other hand, the current agri-food system, responsible for a third of all greenhouse gas emissions, is a major contributor to climate change.
  • The World Bank recent report, “Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System,” offers a compelling vision and roadmap for a more sustainable future.

About The World Bank

  • Imagine a giant club with 187 member countries working together to fight poverty.
  • That’s basically the World Bank This international organization acts like a lender, providing financial support to poorer member countries.
  • The World Bank’s goal is to boost the economies of developing countries and improve the lives of their citizens.
  • By offering loans, the World Bank helps these nations build essential infrastructure, invest in education and healthcare, and create a more prosperous future for all.

India’s Green Potential: Solar Powering the Way

  • The report highlights India’s significant potential for reducing agri-food emissions.
  • By simply replacing a quarter of its 8.8 million diesel irrigation pumps with solar-powered alternatives, India could achieve an impressive annual reduction of 11.5 million tonnes of emissions.
  • This shift not only benefits the environment, but also offers economic advantages.
  • The report suggests that 80% of India’s agricultural mitigation potential can be achieved through cost-saving measures. Solar irrigation pumps are a prime example.
  • They eliminate dependence on fossil fuels, require minimal maintenance after installation, and can be particularly beneficial in remote areas lacking access to electricity.

Global Responsibility: Big Emitters, Big Opportunities

  • The report identifies the top ten agri-food system emitters, including heavyweights like China, Brazil, the United States, and India.
  • These countries collectively contribute to over half of global agri-food emissions, with the top 20 responsible for a staggering 67%.
  • This underscores the urgent need for collective action. The report calls on high-income countries to play a leading role by supporting low- and middle-income nations in adopting sustainable practices and technologies.
  • However, the opportunity for impactful change lies not just in developed nations.
  • The report suggests that middle-income countries hold immense potential to curb up to three-quarters of global agri-food emissions through the adoption of greener agricultural practices.

Putting Money Towards a Sustainable Future: Benefits Outweigh Drawbacks

  • Achieving the ambitious goal of halving agri-food emissions by 2030 and reaching net-zero by 2050 requires significant investment.
  • The report estimates that annual investments need to increase to $260 billion.
  • While this may seem like a daunting figure, the report emphasizes the substantial benefits that far outweigh the costs.
  • By transitioning to sustainable practices, we can unlock a range of positive outcomes, including:
    • Improved Human Health: Reduced air and water pollution associated with current agricultural practices lead to healthier populations.
    • Enhanced Food and Nutrition Security: Sustainable practices can improve food production and distribution systems, ensuring greater access to nutritious food for all.
    • Better Job Quality: The shift towards a greener agri-food system can create new employment opportunities in areas like renewable energy, resource management, and sustainable agriculture.
    • Increased Profits for Farmers: Sustainable practices can often lead to improved soil health, water efficiency, and resource management, ultimately boosting farmer profitability.
    • Greater Carbon Retention: Sustainable practices like reforestation and improved soil management can significantly enhance the natural world’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide, mitigating climate change.

Beyond Fossil Fuels: The Promise of Solar Irrigation

  • Solar irrigation pumps exemplify the report’s call for action. These pumps offer a practical and cost-effective solution for reducing dependence on fossil fuels in agriculture.
  • They utilize photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight into electricity, powering water pumps for irrigation.
  • This not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also provides a reliable water source, particularly crucial for arid regions and during dry seasons.
  • Additionally, government subsidies and incentives often support the adoption of solar pumps, making them a viable option for farmers and fostering environmental sustainability in agricultural communities.

Addressing Enteric Fermentation: A Focus on Livestock Emissions

  • The report also delves into the challenge of enteric fermentation, a digestive process in ruminant animals like cows, sheep, and goats.
  • During this process, microbes in the animal’s rumen break down plant material, releasing methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas. Enteric fermentation is a significant contributor to agricultural emissions and is an area of active research.
  • Scientists are exploring various solutions, including dietary adjustments, genetic selection of livestock with lower methane emissions, and improved farm management practices, all aimed at reducing methane emissions from livestock.


  • The World Bank report offers a compelling vision for a future where food security and environmental sustainability go hand in hand.
  • By transitioning to renewable energy sources, adopting sustainable practices, and investing in innovation, we can create a more resilient agri-food system that benefits both people and the planet.
  • The roadmap outlined in the report provides a framework for action, encouraging collaboration between nations, farmers, scientists, and policymakers.
  • By heeding the call for change and embracing sustainable solutions, we can cultivate a future where our food systems nourish us without compromising the health of our planet.

People also ask

Q1: What is the main message of the World Bank’s report on agri-food systems?
Ans: The report, “Recipe for a Livable Planet,” emphasizes the urgent need to transition towards sustainable agri-food systems that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring food security for a growing population.

Q2: What is India’s potential for reducing agri-food emissions?
Ans: India has a significant opportunity to cut emissions simply by replacing a portion of its diesel irrigation pumps with solar-powered alternatives. This switch could significantly reduce annual emissions and offers economic benefits through lower operational costs.

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